• What are the diseases of fuchsia? visuel 1

To prevent all the diseases mentioned below, here are the four golden rules to follow:

1°) No watering late in the evening, nor in full sun

2°) Water without overdosing: it is better for the soil to be too dry than too wet.

3°) A balanced supply of fertiliser without overdosing.

4°) A well aerated soil for fuchsias in pots.


Here is a list of the diseases most often encountered on fuchsia:

Puccinia epilobeii (brown rust): Manifested by a small halo on the upper surface of the leaves. And on the underside a round brown dusty spot.

Fumaginia: Fungus that develops on the aphid meillium. It is sufficient to control the aphids.

Botrytis cinerea: Fungus that develops in wet winter conditions and by repeated rain and average temperatures below 15 degrees.

Root rot: Caused by overwatering and poorly draining soil or potting mix.